• How are Plumeria plants named in non-native regions?

    In non-native regions, Plumeria plants are often named based on the common names adopted by local gardeners, enthusiasts, and horticulturalists. As Plumeria gained popularity globally, it acquired diverse common names that reflect its beauty and cultural associations. Gardeners and horticulturalists in different countries may use these common names to refer to Plumeria plants. Additionally, Plumeria Read more

  • Can a Plumeria cultivar have multiple names?

    Yes, a Plumeria cultivar can have multiple names, especially if it is distributed and marketed globally. Commonly, a single cultivar may be known by different names in various regions or languages. Additionally, the same cultivar may receive multiple names if different breeders or nurseries introduce it independently and name it separately. Despite having multiple names, Read more

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