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Pink Ruffles Plumeria
Pink Ruffles: #356 Florida Colors Nursery seedling of Pink Pansy. A 3″ light medium pink flower that’s completely overlap. The edges are distinctly ruffled. A profuse bloomer on a medium upright tree. The center has a reddish eye surrounded by a peachy-gold ring. The middle is a blended pinkish-white. The rim has a unique ruffle or twist to them. This ruffle is very visible and quite stunning. Sweet fragrance and a medium growth habit. The petals are wide and overlapping. 2.5-3″ and has a great texture. Recommended for fragrance. A white glow around the yellow center fades into the pink of the petal. The petals overlap heavily and offer a very good keeping quality. Prolific bloomer with a sweet fragrance. Blooms each year without fail. Lei quality over 12 days. Lovely bright pink bloom with large throat, which allows easier pollination by insect. It produces many seed pods. Pink Ruffles original tree is 25 plus year olds was 12′ tall at Florida Colors Nursery in 2017.
- PSA Registration: #356
- Color: Pink
- Flower Size: 2 1/2″ – 3″
- Blooming: A prolific bloomer
- Growth: Medium
- Scent: Strong sweet fragrance
- AKAs:
- Notes: A Florida Colors Nursery Seedling, Bright rose-pink flowers have a distinctive ruffle at the petal edge making it the only plumeria with ruffled flowers. sets seeds.